Gameplay inspired by Warsaw!
What makes us real?
We dedicate our solutions to HR and Marketing Departments that look more broadly at human potential, and make synergy of activities and diversity of talents a priority of their human resources development policy.
We create gaming solutions that integrate the purpose of business with an inspiring form of urban games.
We carefully observe the changing needs of companies, selecting inspiring forms of support in a given HR process.
We develop activities for PR agencies implemented as an element of brand campaigns, integrating the brand world with the gaming challenge, utilizing social media in particular.
What we feel is key
to building solutions?
The foundations of our programs
- Compelling storyline
- Integration of participants
- Educational value
- Customization of the program to accommodate your group.
Our mission
To design and deliver engaging wellbeing programs through experiencing cultural assets in urban surrounding.
Why Warsaw Urban Games?
We explore the history and culture of the capital city of Warsaw, wisely animating the urban space and engaging the local environment.
We invite you to join us in a journey to discover a musically and culturally interesting city.
We demonstrate a new educational, cognitive and cultural value during the integration of employees.
We bring quality and valuable urban entertainment to the business.
We incorporate history and culture into urban space, engaging audiences and employees.
We promote culture and foster the patronage of culture in business.
We create a place that offers smart entertainment, where the customer can experience uncommon emotions with care for their well-being
Our team

Barbara Kotarba
Creative director
Mam dużą łatwość do łączenia kropek oraz zauważania wspólnych mianowników i wartości w niezwiązanych ze sobą obszarach.
To jest unikalna cecha, którą służę klientom, poszukującym ciekawego rozwiązania dla swoich potrzeb promocyjnych, PR-owych czy brandingowych. Te działania są wiatrem wiejącym w moje żagle, im trudniejsza sprawa, tym mocniej się w nią angażuję.
Z umiejętności łączenia korzystałam również przy tworzeniu programów gier miejskich dla firm, instytucji i osób indywidualnych. Robię to od wielu lat, ale to w 2009 odeszłam z firmy eventowej i założyłam Warszawskie Gry Miejskie. Wierzyłam, że wartościowy event dla firm, z elementami edukacji ma przyszłość.
Mam szczęście pracować z fantastycznymi osobami, z którymi rozwijamy siebie i naszą działalność.
Fascynuję się F. Chopinem do tego stopnia, że promuję jego postać poprzez założenie miejsca z codziennymi koncertami chopinowskimi, grę miejską, czy zwiedzanie jego szlakiem.
Prywatnie mówię o sobie Bogini Chaosu – zawsze znajdę sposób, by okiełznać chaos, który stanie na mojej drodze i stworzyć z niego nowe światy.
Wejdź do przygody w mieście, którą przygotowałam dla Ciebie wraz zespołem.
Mam dużą łatwość do łączenia kropek oraz zauważania wspólnych mianowników i wartości w niezwiązanych ze sobą obszarach.
To jest unikalna cecha, którą służę klientom, poszukującym ciekawego rozwiązania dla swoich potrzeb promocyjnych, PR-owych czy brandingowych. Te działania są wiatrem wiejącym w moje żagle, im trudniejsza sprawa, tym mocniej się w nią angażuję.
Z umiejętności łączenia korzystałam również przy tworzeniu programów gier miejskich dla firm, instytucji i osób indywidualnych. Robię to od wielu lat, ale to w 2009 odeszłam z firmy eventowej i założyłam Warszawskie Gry Miejskie. Wierzyłam, że wartościowy event dla firm, z elementami edukacji ma przyszłość.
Mam szczęście pracować z fantastycznymi osobami, z którymi rozwijamy siebie i naszą działalność.
Fascynuję się F. Chopinem do tego stopnia, że promuję jego postać poprzez założenie miejsca z codziennymi koncertami chopinowskimi, grę miejską, czy zwiedzanie jego szlakiem.
Prywatnie mówię o sobie Bogini Chaosu – zawsze znajdę sposób, by okiełznać chaos, który stanie na mojej drodze i stworzyć z niego nowe światy.
Wejdź do przygody w mieście, którą przygotowałam dla Ciebie wraz zespołem.

Anna Hajduk
Project coordinator
I am the person that most problems requiring resolution come to. I'm committed to finding A to Z solutions, and I enjoy taking the time to do so. I pay attention to details without losing the big picture - this skill is my strength when looking for answers. I get a lot of satisfaction from sharing the results with others. I have gained my extensive experience in events organization and coordination while working with children and adolescents.
In Warsaw City Games I take care of all the details and finishing touches. I'm no stranger to spreadsheets and documentation - the moment when I can say that a project is fully completed gives me a lot of satisfaction.
I spend most of my time in Chopin Point Warsaw. Music has always been an important part of my life, thus organizing chamber Chopin concerts, spreading the knowledge about Frederick Chopin and discussing the universality of his music are the areas in which I feel great.
In private, I am a person who enjoys music most of the time. I love hiking, cycling and taking up new challenges that allow me to acquire new skills.
I am the person that most problems requiring resolution come to. I'm committed to finding A to Z solutions, and I enjoy taking the time to do so. I pay attention to details without losing the big picture - this skill is my strength when looking for answers. I get a lot of satisfaction from sharing the results with others. I have gained my extensive experience in events organization and coordination while working with children and adolescents.
In Warsaw City Games I take care of all the details and finishing touches. I'm no stranger to spreadsheets and documentation - the moment when I can say that a project is fully completed gives me a lot of satisfaction.
I spend most of my time in Chopin Point Warsaw. Music has always been an important part of my life, thus organizing chamber Chopin concerts, spreading the knowledge about Frederick Chopin and discussing the universality of his music are the areas in which I feel great.
In private, I am a person who enjoys music most of the time. I love hiking, cycling and taking up new challenges that allow me to acquire new skills.

Karolina Burczyn
Product manager
Od zawsze jestem związana z szeroko pojętą organizacją czasu wolnego i eventów. (Moim atutem jest) Duża swoboda i lekkość w kreacji rozrywki oraz wyjazdów szytych na miarę, zarówno dla grup biznesowych jak i klientów indywidualnych, którą uważam za swój atut (która jest moją wartością), jest efektem wielu lat pracy w obsłudze concierge klienta VIP, w biurze podróży oraz firmie eventowej.
Kontakt z ludźmi, a w szczególności zadowolenie klienta z dobrze zrealizowanego wydarzenia, daje mi power na kolejne realizacje. W szczególności ważne jest dla mnie kreowanie (dopasowanie) formuły przekazu do przyjętych założeń i oczekiwań klienta (zleceniodawcy), co dzieje się zawsze w korelacji z klientem.
Twardo stąpam po ziemi, co nie koliduje z tworzeniem/kreowaniem/wymyślaniem/ pojawianiem się w mojej głowie oryginalnych/szalonych/nietypowych/ pomysłów, które odlatują wysoko, niczym latawiec, wydając się mało rzeczywiste. Te najlepsze, ściągam po sznurku, jak latawiec, na ziemię aby przybrały formę realną i możliwą do realizacji.
Prywatnie jestem żeglarką, animatorką czasu wolnego, instruktorką fitness i sędzią badmintona, pasjonatką odkrywania mało popularnych miejsc w towarzystwie mojej rodziny i czworonoga.
Od zawsze jestem związana z szeroko pojętą organizacją czasu wolnego i eventów. (Moim atutem jest) Duża swoboda i lekkość w kreacji rozrywki oraz wyjazdów szytych na miarę, zarówno dla grup biznesowych jak i klientów indywidualnych, którą uważam za swój atut (która jest moją wartością), jest efektem wielu lat pracy w obsłudze concierge klienta VIP, w biurze podróży oraz firmie eventowej.
Kontakt z ludźmi, a w szczególności zadowolenie klienta z dobrze zrealizowanego wydarzenia, daje mi power na kolejne realizacje. W szczególności ważne jest dla mnie kreowanie (dopasowanie) formuły przekazu do przyjętych założeń i oczekiwań klienta (zleceniodawcy), co dzieje się zawsze w korelacji z klientem.
Twardo stąpam po ziemi, co nie koliduje z tworzeniem/kreowaniem/wymyślaniem/ pojawianiem się w mojej głowie oryginalnych/szalonych/nietypowych/ pomysłów, które odlatują wysoko, niczym latawiec, wydając się mało rzeczywiste. Te najlepsze, ściągam po sznurku, jak latawiec, na ziemię aby przybrały formę realną i możliwą do realizacji.
Prywatnie jestem żeglarką, animatorką czasu wolnego, instruktorką fitness i sędzią badmintona, pasjonatką odkrywania mało popularnych miejsc w towarzystwie mojej rodziny i czworonoga.
Our offer for MICE & LEASURE:

Explore Warsaw's Old Town and compete for hidden treasure.
Follow the clues, solve tasks given to you by the King and the Shopkeeper and even face the Hangman! Will you manage to safely transport the Radium from Maria Skłodowska-Curie? Can you use your dexterity to defeat the Dodger? Take up the challenge, get the necessary information and find the treasure! The city game is not only great team fun, but also a great way to integrate the company. An absolute bestseller and a must for participants who want to get to know their talents and strengths even better.
- city game,
- app game.
For Whom:
- for companies
- for employees, business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5 to 7 persons per group
Old Town
We`re COVID safe
Want to discover a city treasure? Let us know!

Travel back in time to the communist era and have fun.
Build the Palace of Culture from scratch, practice a forgotten skill with a store assistant, try your hand at negotiating with a money changer. Meet a real Engineer, get dollars at the hotel Victoria and beat the Backstreet girl in hopscotch. Only your spirit and cleverness will decide on whether you will get hold of the scarce goods that can be exchanged for the hot object of desire - toilet paper!
- urban game
For Whom:
for companies:
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5 to 8 persons
City Center
We`re COVID safe
Want to have fun and learn more about the reality of life in the People's Republic of Poland? Let us know!

What secrets the historic and modern Warsaw hold?
In your hand there is a key and a map - what will you do with them? Leave the city center and get to know the iconic places of the capital anew. Feel the pulse of life in the former Jewish district, find out which way Frederic Chopin used to walk every day, and rest in the shade of trees in a charming, hidden square. Along the way solve riddles and puzzles inspired by Warsaw's history. Only correct answers will let you get all the keys! Interesting facts will lead your team to the next stages of the game and an exhilarating finale.
- urban game,
- app game.
For Whom:
for employees,
business partners,
event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
Number of players:
5-10 persons per group
City Center
We`re COVID safe
Ready to be swept away by the most Varsovian of our games? Let us know!

Get on board the time machine with us and travel to different historical eras in which inventors and scientists were prominent figures.
Talk to Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Nicolaus Copernicus and Fryderyk Chopin. Ask the founders of Warner Bros. who originated from Mazovia for titbits about the famous film studio. Gather pieces from the explorers that will allow you to repair the broken vehicle, free yourself from the time loop and make it to the company dinner.
The city game program can be carried out in any part of Warsaw or online.
- urban game,
- app game,
- online game.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation
Number of players:
5-7 persons per team
minimum of 25 participants
any location
We`re COVID safe
Want to fix the time machine with your team? Let us know!

Tactics, cleverness and team play - these are the essential ingredients of a fun conference.
Forget boredom and draw your event participants into the world of a board game, where the arena is the floor, the pawns are alive, and the questions provoke regular peals of laughter. Our game is a new level of engagement at your conference. Participants compete in teams, test their knowledge about Warsaw and the life of the company together, and play thematic puns. Bet on our proven, mobile program that effectively eliminates stiff atmosphere.
- outdoor challenge,
- urban game,
- field game,
- indoor challenge
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- teams,
- individuals,
- competition.
Number of players:
upon request
anywhere in Poland
We`re COVID safe
Would you like to organize a game at a conference? Let us know!

Feel the breath of the high culture, get to know Frederic Chopin's works better and follow his footsteps in the historic Warsaw.
Visit the Warsaw University Campus, where the famous composer lived and studied, and find out where the Russian Tsar's soldiers threw away his piano. Find out the secrets of everyday life and from the Maestro's early years, and solve the mystery of his lost piece. The scenario provides two possible ways to end the game.
- urban game,
- app game.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5-7 per team
minimum of 15 participants
The Royal Route
We`re COVID safe
Would you like to follow in the footsteps of Fryderyk Chopin? Let us know!

Are you keen on sporting competition?
Europe Challenge is a battle for points in recreational and sports games. Teams solve tasks in the city' green space and learn trivia and facts about European history. Take up the challenge and build a bridge over the Dunajec river, engage in a chat with a Czech and find the way to the ancient labyrinth. Will you manage to avoid the conquest of the Swedish King? Win points and first place in the game! The tasks will facilitate company integration and finding strong and weak points in your communication.
- urban game.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5-7 per team
minimum of 20 participants
any location, green spaces
We`re COVID safe
Want to take part in an exciting challenge? Let us know!

Discover a new dimension of the city game thanks to the possibilities of the mobile application.
Go to the city and perform exciting tasks. There is a lot of excitement ahead of you, as you can follow every step of your competitors during the game. Who will reach the destination faster? Who will prove to be the smartest? Teams can compete in our role-playing game or take part in scenarios designed according to individual needs. The game within the application is a great proposal for a company integration and motivational event. The solution fully complies with sanitary restrictions.
- outdoor challenge,
- urban game,
- field game,
- indoors challenge.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- teams,
- individuals,
- competition.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
We`re COVID safe
Are you ready for a challenge that awaits you in our app? Let us know!

Promote your brand by engaging your audience in an immersive story and exciting gamification.
Build tension from the start of the event to the exciting end through top-notch entertainment. We will design for your brand an external or internal promotion program based on storytelling and gamification. We rely on well-tried mechanisms of city games, combining the client's guidelines, storyline narration, surprising tasks and a satisfying finale.
- urban game,
- field game,
- online game,
- indoors game,
- app game.
For Whom:
PR agencies,
marketing agencies,
event agencies,
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- team game,
- individual,
- upon request.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
We`re COVID safe
You want to turn your brand promotion into an exciting adventure? Let us know!

Are you hosting an event and want to fully engage participants?
Opt for a personalized city game that will highlight the attractions and the character of your institution. We will design a tailor-made game program and make sure that the storyline perfectly fits your needs and objectives. Impress your audience and invite them to the world of fascinating game.
- indoors program,
- online event.
For Whom:
for public institutions,
authorities organizing open events, museums, libraries
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
urban game,
online game,
app game,
hybrid game,
field game.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
We`re COVID safe
Need a bespoke city game? Let us know!

Venture into the darkest streets of the city or the darkest corners of the office - where ghosts and special tasks lurk!
You and your team face a terrifying challenge: solve the mystery of the mysterious death of an unknown wretch and hurry to collect his bones. You will find clues in Blood red envelopes. Whoever defeats their fear and completes the tasks fastest wins!
urban game,
field game,
indoors challenge,
online challenge,
app game.
For Whom:
for companies
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
hybrid game,
field game.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
We`re COVID safe
Are you ready for Halloween challenge? Let us know!

Urban game for a bachelorette party: Agents’ night out.
Step into the role of a special agent and carry out a secret mission with your girlfriends. Follow the city trail and let yourself be surprised. Will you decipher the code to the surprise safe? How will you use the attributes of a woman's handbag to perform special tasks? Will you be able to awaken your senses to move on to the next stage of your mission? All these adventures are waiting for you during the city game on your hen night. An Entertainer will ensure good fun, our game will bring you into a great mood making it a perfect prelude to further entertainment during the hen night..
urban game,
app game.
For Whom:
for companies
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
hybrid game,
field game.
Number of players:
from 7 persons
City Center, the Old Town
We`re COVID safe
Wanna surprise the bride and experience an unforgettable bachelorette party? Let us know!

Rely on your feminine sixth sense and awaken your artistic soul! Ready for a challenge?
Fix your pearls and show that you are not afraid to grab a hammer and nails. Birthday City Game is a program designed by women for women - with humor, sensitivity and ideas. If you want to spend your birthday with your girlfriends in a unique way, bet on our city game and let yourself be carried away by good fun.
urban game,
app game.
For Whom:
- individuals
- Polish,
- English.
Number of players:
minimum of 7 persons
City Center, the Old Town
We`re COVID safe
Want to throw a birthday party game? Let us know!

Take your students on an urban adventure - start together on a marathon route and solve recreational and humorous tasks.
The race will be won by the group that best manages the map, finds the tollbooths and beats their rivals with laughter. We guarantee integration and good fun. Ready to start? Go!
urban game,
For Whom:
- schools,
- institutions.
- Polish,
- English.
Number of players:
minimum of 15 persons, 2 teams
green sites, Żoliborz
We`re COVID safe
You want to organize a field game for students? Let us know!

Live concerts of Chopipn’s music. Unique moments with Fryderyk Chopin’s music in Warsaw.
Learn about the Master's works and enjoy music performed by outstanding pianists. Invite your employees and business partners to an intimate Chopin concert in Warsaw's Old Town. Move to the magical world of Fryderyk Chopin's music and emphasize the prestige of the company meeting. Come, listen and stir up the emotions of the participants.
indoors program,
online event.
Type of game:
concert hall,
online event,
plain air.
For Whom:
for companies,
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
upon request
anywhere in Poland
We`re COVID safe
Interested in a private concert of Chopin music? Let us know!

Invite your students to meet the great Polish composer Frederic Chopin.
What was his passion? How did he spend his time? Where did he go every day in Warsaw? Inspire the students' sensitivity and curiosity - let them get to know Chopin from the perspective of a peer and get to like his works. The event is accompanied by live music performed by a professional stage pianist.
live Chopin concert, lecture
Type of game:
concert hall,
online event,
plain air.
For Whom:
- Polish,
- English.
Number of participants:
minimum of 15 persons
Old Town
We`re COVID safe
Do you want to organize an educational concert? Let us know!
Explore Warsaw's Old Town and compete for hidden treasure.
Follow the clues, solve tasks given to you by the King and the Shopkeeper and even face the Hangman! Will you manage to safely transport the Radium from Maria Skłodowska-Curie? Can you use your dexterity to defeat the Dodger? Take up the challenge, get the necessary information and find the treasure! The city game is not only great team fun, but also a great way to integrate the company. An absolute bestseller and a must for participants who want to get to know their talents and strengths even better.Form:
- city game,
- app game.
For Whom:
- for companies
- for employees, business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5 to 7 persons per groupVenue/route:
Old TownWant to discover a city treasure? Let us know!
ContactTravel back in time to the communist era and have fun.
Build the Palace of Culture from scratch, practice a forgotten skill with a store assistant, try your hand at negotiating with a money changer. Meet a real Engineer, get dollars at the hotel Victoria and beat the Backstreet girl in hopscotch. Only your spirit and cleverness will decide on whether you will get hold of the scarce goods that can be exchanged for the hot object of desire - toilet paper!
- urban game
For Whom:
for companies:
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5 to 8 persons
City Center
Want to have fun and learn more about the reality of life in the People's Republic of Poland? Let us know!
What secrets the historic and modern Warsaw hold?
In your hand there is a key and a map - what will you do with them? Leave the city center and get to know the iconic places of the capital anew. Feel the pulse of life in the former Jewish district, find out which way Frederic Chopin used to walk every day, and rest in the shade of trees in a charming, hidden square. Along the way solve riddles and puzzles inspired by Warsaw's history. Only correct answers will let you get all the keys! Interesting facts will lead your team to the next stages of the game and an exhilarating finale.
- urban game,
- app game.
For Whom:
for employees,
business partners,
event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
Number of players:
5-10 persons per group
City Center
Ready to be swept away by the most Varsovian of our games? Let us know!
Get on board the time machine with us and travel to different historical eras in which inventors and scientists were prominent figures.
Talk to Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Nicolaus Copernicus and Fryderyk Chopin. Ask the founders of Warner Bros. who originated from Mazovia for titbits about the famous film studio. Gather pieces from the explorers that will allow you to repair the broken vehicle, free yourself from the time loop and make it to the company dinner.
The city game program can be carried out in any part of Warsaw or online.
- urban game,
- app game,
- online game.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation
Number of players:
5-7 persons per team
minimum of 25 participants
any location
Want to fix the time machine with your team? Let us know!
Tactics, cleverness and team play - these are the essential ingredients of a fun conference.
Forget boredom and draw your event participants into the world of a board game, where the arena is the floor, the pawns are alive, and the questions provoke regular peals of laughter. Our game is a new level of engagement at your conference. Participants compete in teams, test their knowledge about Warsaw and the life of the company together, and play thematic puns. Bet on our proven, mobile program that effectively eliminates stiff atmosphere.
- outdoor challenge,
- urban game,
- field game,
- indoor challenge
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- teams,
- individuals,
- competition.
Number of players:
upon request
anywhere in Poland
Would you like to organize a game at a conference? Let us know!
Feel the breath of the high culture, get to know Frederic Chopin's works better and follow his footsteps in the historic Warsaw.
Visit the Warsaw University Campus, where the famous composer lived and studied, and find out where the Russian Tsar's soldiers threw away his piano. Find out the secrets of everyday life and from the Maestro's early years, and solve the mystery of his lost piece. The scenario provides two possible ways to end the game.
- urban game,
- app game.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5-7 per team
minimum of 15 participants
The Royal Route
Would you like to follow in the footsteps of Fryderyk Chopin? Let us know!
Are you keen on sporting competition?
Europe Challenge is a battle for points in recreational and sports games. Teams solve tasks in the city' green space and learn trivia and facts about European history. Take up the challenge and build a bridge over the Dunajec river, engage in a chat with a Czech and find the way to the ancient labyrinth. Will you manage to avoid the conquest of the Swedish King? Win points and first place in the game! The tasks will facilitate company integration and finding strong and weak points in your communication.
- urban game.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- division into teams,
- competition,
- cooperation.
Number of players:
5-7 per team
minimum of 20 participants
any location, green spaces
Want to take part in an exciting challenge? Let us know!
Discover a new dimension of the city game thanks to the possibilities of the mobile application.
Go to the city and perform exciting tasks. There is a lot of excitement ahead of you, as you can follow every step of your competitors during the game. Who will reach the destination faster? Who will prove to be the smartest? Teams can compete in our role-playing game or take part in scenarios designed according to individual needs. The game within the application is a great proposal for a company integration and motivational event. The solution fully complies with sanitary restrictions.
- outdoor challenge,
- urban game,
- field game,
- indoors challenge.
For Whom:
- for employees,
- business partners,
- clients,
- event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- teams,
- individuals,
- competition.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
Are you ready for a challenge that awaits you in our app? Let us know!
Promote your brand by engaging your audience in an immersive story and exciting gamification.
Build tension from the start of the event to the exciting end through top-notch entertainment. We will design for your brand an external or internal promotion program based on storytelling and gamification. We rely on well-tried mechanisms of city games, combining the client's guidelines, storyline narration, surprising tasks and a satisfying finale.
- urban game,
- field game,
- online game,
- indoors game,
- app game.
For Whom:
PR agencies,
marketing agencies,
event agencies,
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
- team game,
- individual,
- upon request.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
You want to turn your brand promotion into an exciting adventure? Let us know!
Are you hosting an event and want to fully engage participants?
Opt for a personalized city game that will highlight the attractions and the character of your institution. We will design a tailor-made game program and make sure that the storyline perfectly fits your needs and objectives. Impress your audience and invite them to the world of fascinating game.
- indoors program,
- online event.
For Whom:
for public institutions,
authorities organizing open events, museums, libraries
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
urban game,
online game,
app game,
hybrid game,
field game.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
Need a bespoke city game? Let us know!
Venture into the darkest streets of the city or the darkest corners of the office - where ghosts and special tasks lurk!
You and your team face a terrifying challenge: solve the mystery of the mysterious death of an unknown wretch and hurry to collect his bones. You will find clues in Blood red envelopes. Whoever defeats their fear and completes the tasks fastest wins!
urban game,
field game,
indoors challenge,
online challenge,
app game.
For Whom:
for companies
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
hybrid game,
field game.
Number of players:
upon request
upon request
anywhere in Poland
Are you ready for Halloween challenge? Let us know!
Urban game for a bachelorette party: Agents’ night out.
Step into the role of a special agent and carry out a secret mission with your girlfriends. Follow the city trail and let yourself be surprised. Will you decipher the code to the surprise safe? How will you use the attributes of a woman's handbag to perform special tasks? Will you be able to awaken your senses to move on to the next stage of your mission? All these adventures are waiting for you during the city game on your hen night. An Entertainer will ensure good fun, our game will bring you into a great mood making it a perfect prelude to further entertainment during the hen night..
urban game,
app game.
For Whom:
for companies
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
Type of game:
hybrid game,
field game.
Number of players:
from 7 persons
City Center, the Old Town
Wanna surprise the bride and experience an unforgettable bachelorette party? Let us know!
Rely on your feminine sixth sense and awaken your artistic soul! Ready for a challenge?
Fix your pearls and show that you are not afraid to grab a hammer and nails. Birthday City Game is a program designed by women for women - with humor, sensitivity and ideas. If you want to spend your birthday with your girlfriends in a unique way, bet on our city game and let yourself be carried away by good fun.
urban game,
app game.
For Whom:
- individuals
- Polish,
- English.
Number of players:
minimum of 7 persons
City Center, the Old Town
Want to throw a birthday party game? Let us know!
Take your students on an urban adventure - start together on a marathon route and solve recreational and humorous tasks.
The race will be won by the group that best manages the map, finds the tollbooths and beats their rivals with laughter. We guarantee integration and good fun. Ready to start? Go!
urban game,
For Whom:
- schools,
- institutions.
- Polish,
- English.
Number of players:
minimum of 15 persons, 2 teams
green sites, Żoliborz
You want to organize a field game for students? Let us know!
Live concerts of Chopipn’s music. Unique moments with Fryderyk Chopin’s music in Warsaw.
Learn about the Master's works and enjoy music performed by outstanding pianists. Invite your employees and business partners to an intimate Chopin concert in Warsaw's Old Town. Move to the magical world of Fryderyk Chopin's music and emphasize the prestige of the company meeting. Come, listen and stir up the emotions of the participants.
indoors program,
online event.
Type of game:
concert hall,
online event,
plain air.
For Whom:
for companies,
for employees,
business partners, clients, event agencies
- Polish,
- English.
upon request
anywhere in Poland
Interested in a private concert of Chopin music? Let us know!
Invite your students to meet the great Polish composer Frederic Chopin.
What was his passion? How did he spend his time? Where did he go every day in Warsaw? Inspire the students' sensitivity and curiosity - let them get to know Chopin from the perspective of a peer and get to like his works. The event is accompanied by live music performed by a professional stage pianist.
live Chopin concert, lecture
Type of game:
concert hall,
online event,
plain air.
For Whom:
- Polish,
- English.
Number of participants:
minimum of 15 persons
Old Town
Do you want to organize an educational concert? Let us know!